About me


Jadwiga Jaśkowiak

Jadwiga Jaśkowiak (nệe Mitura)

I was born in Pożarów near Kock, a tiny country village, beautifully located in the basin of two rivers – the Tyśmienica and the Wieprz. This was the place, in which my sensitivity was initially shaped and was later developed after my family moved to Lublin. In secondary school, I met a Polish language teacher who instilled in me a love of fiction and creative life.

I graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. I also completed a course of Editorial Graphics at the postgraduate Faculty of Fine Arts at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, and the postgraduate course of Philosophy and Ethics at the Catholic University of Lublin.

The philosophical studies introduced me into metaphysics, and enabled me to open up to the broadly understood philosophy of life, spirituality, yoga. I have a Vedic Art teacher’s diploma – an art of intuitive painting, based on the principles taken from the ancient Vedas, now known only to the wise men of the East and yogis. I came close to this knowledge during numerous trips, especially to India. I also became acquainted with Greece, Italy, Egypt and Bali.

Jadwiga Jaśkowiak_

I paint landscapes, portraits, and abstract paintings. I am also an icon writer. Travels, meditation and contemplation that accompany painting awakened in me the need to pour my experience also on paper.

The Printing House STON2 in Kielce published my album of poetry and paintings Filled with Light, stories To zdarzało się w piątek, It Would Happen on Friday, and a bilingual poem entitled Cosmogony of Love, awarded with the Świętokrzyski Award „Gustaw 2013” in the field of „Poetry”. In the Printing House PLIHYMNIA sp. z o.o. in Lublin, I published two more poetry volumes, Images on a Glass and Squaring the Words. My poems are printed in the almanacs of Oficyna Konfraterni Poetów w Krakowie.

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Jadwiga Jaśkowiak